FALL CITY WIDE YARD SALE – October 7, 2017

The Annual Fall City Wide Yard Sale is set for October 7, 2017!

Fall yard sale
Participants can list their address on the official map for only $10.00. This covers all event advertising/promotion The maps will be distributed FREE of charge. The location on the map of each of the registered sales will be included along with a brief description of the items to be sold and the hours of the sale. Deadline to register your sale is September 25, 2017. Those registering after this date will be included in the online maps, but not the official printed edition. This event will be held RAIN OR SHINE. Call 636-528-4148 to book your space/get more information. To be individually listed on the map at that location you will need to fill out the form/issue payment.

Fall Sign-Up Form 2017

For the Map and Listings – Page 1Page 2Map

Interactive Online Map

Maps will be available beginning March 28 at the Troy Area Chamber of Commerce/ CVB, Troy City Hall, the Troy License Bureau, Lincoln County Journal and more! For updated distribution points, call 636-462-8769 or visit www.troyonthemove.com. The map will also be included in the March 28th edition of the Lincoln County Journal.

For more information call 636-462-8769 or email at [email protected].

Special thanks to The Lincoln County Journal for their annual sponsorship of this event!

The Chamber will host the Annual Fall City Wide Yard Sale October 7, 2017!